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Low Fat  -  Low Calories

Low Cholesterol

High Protein  -  High Iron

Cooked the same as beef

1:1 substitution in any beef recipe


Water Buffalo meat is recommended by some Naturopaths and Nutritionists because it is easier to digest than other red meats.


The flavor is MILD, not strong or gamey. Compared to beef you will find it similar although SWEETER.


Water Buffalo being very lean needs less cooking - Allow 1/3 less cooking time.


Water Buffalo is prepared the same as beef.

The key is not to overcook the meat.

Reduce the cooking time of water buffalo by 1/3 from the same cut of beef.  

We suggest roasts be cooked low and slow.

Because of the low fat content Buffalo meat is best cooked rare to medium - 155 degrees F internal temperature


After eating a large water buffalo steak we did not feel overly stuffed or sluggish.  The meat was easily digested and we felt great.

Brad Fitzsimmons


Water Buffalo are most often raised primarily for dairy. Approximately 15% of the worlds milk supply comes from Water Buffalo. Believed to have originated in Asia, Water Buffalo were used for milk, meat and draft power. They have since been introduced to Australia, Africa, Europe and North America.

What we often call the North American Buffalo are really Bison, which are more closely related to cattle than to Water Buffalo.

In North America the feed, housing and fencing needed for Water Buffalo is similar as that for cattle. Attributed to being domesticated for over 3000 years Water Buffalo generally have a docile temperament although some can be aggressive. They are alert to strangers and have personalities unlike cattle. Not for the inexperienced, Water Buffalo should be raised by those with some expertise.

Weight: 400-900kg (880-2,000lbs)

Life Span: 15-25 years

World Population: 168-170 million

Water Buffalo have fewer health concerns than cattle and are believed to be less susceptible to illness and disease that affect cattle in Canada. Water Buffalo have the ability to adapt to various climate conditions. They can graze lower quality or wet pastures and thrive in those conditions unlike many cattle.

Water Buffalo have a gestation period of 10.5-11 months. Multiple births are rare. Water Buffalo calves are very hearty at birth and there are very low instances of calving problems.

Like cattle there are many breeds of water buffalo.  The breed of buffalo that we raise are known as Mediterranean Buffalo.

Water Buffalo do enjoy a swim or a role in the mud. It helps to keep them cool in the summer and to regulate their body temperature. A dirty Water Buffalo is a happy Water Buffalo (and the mud also aids in protecting the skin from biting insects and sun exposure)

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